Code: 195

Giant dragon fruit (over 800g)


Dragon fruit is our pride, and we proudly present to you our greatest achievements in night pollination! The largest pieces of dragon fruit weigh over one kilogram, but all are impressive with weights above 700g. If you are true enthusiasts and one piece is not enough for you, these giants are the right choice


Category: Exotic fruit
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Dragon fruit, pitaya or pitahaya

Dragon fruit is the fruit of a climbing cactus known as pitaya of the genus Hylocereus. This plant originates from southern Mexico, the Pacific region of Guatemala, and Costa Rica.


The fruit can vary in color depending on the variety, ranging from white, carmine, or dark red, with some varieties also being light yellow. The flesh is interspersed with small black seeds. Pink varieties are very refreshing, slightly acidic, and significantly distinctive compared to other varieties.


Dragon fruit has a staggered production period lasting from mid-July to December. The fruits must be harvested when they are ripe. Pruning is done directly into the plant, ensuring not to damage the fruit or seriously disturb the leaves. Fruits must be presented in perfect condition, without blemishes or scars.


Dragon fruit offers numerous health benefits, including aiding in weight loss, improving digestion, lowering cholesterol levels, boosting the immune system, and increasing energy levels. It also helps in the prevention of cancer and heart diseases, and protects the body against bacteria and fungi.


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JK Avatar of author | 28.09.2024
Perfektní dodávka, ovoce krásně zralé a chutné. Dračí ovoce gigant šťavnaté, velmi dobré, moc na nás s manželem nezbylo 😃, dcera doslova "vdechla" k večeři a druhý den do školy k svačině.. Banány i když měly na slupce sem tam hnědý flíček, uvnitř byl naprosto skvělý chutný plod, s výraznější banánovou chutí, oproti těm co se dají koupit v supermarketech (buď jsou ještě zelené a nebo již přezrálé). Ještě jednou velmi děkuji.
JB Avatar of author | 10.08.2024
Vynikajici ,sladoucke
VS Avatar of author | 12.10.2023
Výborné ovoce,výborná chuť,vše perfektně zabaleno.Lepsi tady v ČR není možné sehnat.
JS Avatar of author | 21.09.2023
Pitahayu neboli Dračí ovoce jsem si oblíbila ve Španělsku a po příjezdu domů jsem pátrala po tomto ovoci zde. Objevila jsem Ostrov chuti a hned jsem provedla objednávku. Eshop skvěle funguje, balíček byl doručen velmi rychle, zaslané ovoce je ve výborném stavu a chutná skvěle, takže radost. Doporučuji všem.
RT Avatar of author | 03.09.2023
Vše v pořádku a chutné 👍👍

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