
Monthly subscription to fresh seasonal fruit

Imagine every week full of flavors and aromas of fresh fruit. This is exactly what our exotic fruit subscription offers!
Become a regular buyer of fruit and you will save not only time, but especially money.

The fruit is a little different every week and that's why we have a registration form where you choose your preferred crops and we will know how to put together the order to your satisfaction. What else does registration bring you?

Variety of fruits:

Every week you will receive a package full of exotic fruits.
You will get the opportunity to taste fruits that you cannot normally find in local stores and priority collection.

Fresh and quality products:

The fruit is carefully selected and packed so that it remains fresh and healthy until it arrives at your home.

Health and Nutrition:

Exotic fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that are beneficial for health.
You gain access to nutritious fruits that can contribute to your overall health and well-being.
The experience of discovering new tastes:

A subscription allows you to discover new flavors and aromas.
We actually have very few fruits and you will be the first to get them.

Comfort and convenience:

You don't have to look for news on the site. A subscription brings everything right to your home.
You will save time and effort spent on searching.

Flexibility and customization:

The option of choosing different subscription options according to your preferences and needs.
Together we will create a tailor-made subscription, weekly subscription is not necessary - after agreement we will prepare other options.
An exotic fruit subscription is not only about the benefits for your health and taste buds, but also about discovering new cultures and supporting fair trade.

Who is the subscription suitable for?

The weekly fruit collection will be appreciated by all those who put up with quality ingredients and don't have time to search the Internet. In this way, you will not have to worry and you will always have something to look forward to.
The subscription is also intended for breeders of exotic animals, who thanks to it will get access to fruit at a better price, and after consultation with an expert, we will make a menu directly for a specific individual. We will try to improve his health with the right diet and get him in perfect shape!

Price offer:

The subscription is for a month, so the price includes 4 packages with a weekly interval.

Basic subscription (fruit worth approx.60 EUR per week) .......200 EUR
Premium subscription (fruit worth approx. 100 EUR per week).... 320 EUR
Subscription for breeders of exotic animals (basic) ..................120 EUR
subscription for breeders of exotic animals (premium).................200 EUR

What if we're not home?

Do you like to travel and are afraid to subscribe regularly? Every problem has a solution, and after mutual agreement we can redirect the package to you or postpone its shipment to a more convenient time. Communication is therefore the basis and do not be afraid to ask anything. You can use the e-mail for communication
or whatsapp: +420723117474, where I will go over everything you are interested in.


Join us and experience the world of exotic fruits!


Registration form