what does dragon fruit (pitaya) taste like

Dragon fruit is so unique and delicious that its taste is difficult to describe or compare to other fruits.

Generally speaking, it has a mildly sweet taste with notes of berries, pears, kiwi and melon with a hint of acidity. It contains small edible seeds that are similar in size and texture to kiwifruit. The individual species then differ from each other in terms of the amount of sweet and sour components and the intensity of the individual components.

However, it very much depends on the specific species, how it is pollinated, at what stage of maturity it is harvested and where it is from.

After picking, the fruits do not ripen any further and their taste does not change. Therefore, if the fruit is harvested prematurely - for example, to survive a long transport, the taste will remain weak and indistinct. However, the peel turns slightly red over time and the fruit then looks ripe - although it is not yet.This actually applies to all imported dragon sheep from Asia.

How is our dragon fruit different?

Thanks to the fact that we grow the fruit on the nearby Canary Islands, we can harvest it at the right stage of maturity and, thanks to the lively tourism industry with the Canary Islands, quickly transport it to the Czech Republic by tourist planes.

We also pay attention to the correct selection of varieties, which otherwise differ greatly in taste.

However, the main difference between our fruit and large commercial plantations in Asia and America is hand pollination.Our fruit is therefore larger and with a much more pronounced taste. We achieve the tastiest fruits through cross-species pollination. The taste of dragon fruit is greatly influenced by the type and amount of pollen.


Co je dračí ovoce

Jak uchovávat dračí ovoce

Jak jíst dračí ovoce

Naše farma s dračím ovocem

Odkud je naše ovoce?


dračí ovoce a mango - salát